
It's Getting Dark and Stormy Out There

With hurricane Irene threatening pretty much the whole Eastern Seaboard, people are stocking up on provisions and essentials to weather the storm. In the advent of such a historic hurricane, I can't think of a more appropriate cocktail then a Dark and Stormy. 

The ingredients are simple and easy to keep on hand- and the drink comes together faster then you'll get soaked in a downpour. For my Dark and Stormy, I use the classic Gosling's Black Seal Bermuda Black Rum. You could use any dark rum you have on hand, but I think this is the most authentic. 

Fill two tall glasses with ice, and then pour over two shots of dark rum. Add 1/2 a shot of Rose's Sweetened Lime Juice, and fill almost to the brim with a good ginger beer. Squeeze 1/2 a lime over each glass, and use the other half to slice for garnish. Stir to combine, turn off the news, and enjoy!

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