
Revamped Bruschetta

Considering I've made this Classic Bruschetta more times than I can count, you would think it would have lost some of it's appeal. But despite its regularity, it remains one of the things my friends and family ask for most. If you haven't made it yet, definitely give it a go before the summer tomatoes disappear. But if you have made it and are looking for something a little different, try adding ten hulled and roughly chopped strawberries to the tomato mix before you pile it on top of your baguette.

The strawberries meld seamlessly with the tomatoes, and add a new depth of flavor to the bruschetta. It doesn't taste of strawberries, but rather like the flavor of the whole dish has been turned up. And since strawberries traditionally pair so well with balsamic, it really isn't as off base of a paring as you might think.

Serve this up to highlight some of the most delicious produce summertime has to offer- your friends won't know what hit them!

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